Saturday, July 14, 2007

FINANCE- 究竟我是否適合選讀

剛過去的星期四, 上了一課business finance 的lecture- portfolio theory and asset pricing
什麼covariance , correlation....再加一條條的curve

之前交功課, 連variance 都計錯
錯在大意地將數字倍大了100, 因為我沒有將%轉作點數入機
題目的確簡單, 因此犯這類錯的確令自己內疚了很久
自己情緒低落至連搭mtr 都轉錯2次車

幸好, 我帶了「100 ways to motivate yourself」
雖知有效, 但放下這本書後又忘記自己要執行

明天開始, 我決定開始嘗試 「30.Perform your little rituals」

" Make up little rituals for yourself that will act as self-starters.
They will have you in action before you "feel like" getting into action.
Rituals always override your built-in hesitation so that you can get yourself
motivated in a predictable, controllable way"

剛買了第二代ipod nano, 自己好像中了毒般
Rip 了很多張爸爸留下的唱片, 然後輸進ipod
其中包括paul mccartney, oasis, rod stewart.....
我真的奇怪, 明明以前自己可以聽這些唱片, 但我偏偏沒有興致聽
但買了ipod, 自己應該潛意識發覺放進ipod 的都必須要是頂級唱片

若果是普通的香港流行曲, 用手機聽也可以了
不要浪費那4 g 的空間。

Thursday, July 5, 2007

A Frustrating Day

Maybe I should better try to express my opinion and feelings in English more

Today, my friend and I had a meeting with a professor, who is a mentor giving tutorial
on English Communication. In fact, it is only sort of chatting and probably giving
presentation on particular topics or issues later. I am so glad that our professor is such
a nice gentleman who empathizes our difficulty in speaking English fluently.

Despite his patience, I am really upset with my poor expression skills and also
my self-confidence. I should have understood that I need to take little more time to organize
my viewpoints and ideas and at the same time translate Cantonese sentence into English one.

Of course my English is not so proficient that I could think in English directly.
Just as my dearly professor mentioned today, if you can get rid of this Middleman,
you will pick up English effectively.

Today, why I was so annoyed and disappointed was that I frequently could not
express my views in a clear way and also lack the accurate wordings. Even more, I
sometimes got stuck when I could not remember the exact English words that I want to say.

It's so embarrassing.

THREE Tremendous Assets of a fresh university graduate, suggested by our Prof
1. GPA
2. English
3. Putonghua

OH MY GOODNESS, Don't forget I am not studying in one of the top 3 universities in HK
I am just a small potato in my university, my GPA is only satisfactory, rather than
astonishing. My English still has a considerable room for improvement, especially the
oral expression. BUT the most insufficient ability is undoubtedly my Putonghua that no one could
understand my mandarin. Pretty Shameful, isn't it?

OKAY, we have decided to give presentation
so what kind of topic I should present that is not only educational but also intriguing.

GOD BLESS ME, I really have to work extremely hard on English,
otherwise I could barely compete with the Mainland and Indian talents in this freaking-out world market.

Sunday, July 1, 2007



1. 容祖兒竟然在各領導人前唱「心花怒放」

「差些遺忘了快樂, 差些從此專心工作

在領導人面前唱這兩句歌詞, 顯得格外不得體
為何她不選唱「我的驕傲」呢 ? 基本上她只有這首歌能登上大雅之堂

2. 四大天王再度重聚
黎明的演出部份特別短, 兼選了一首不難唱的歌
不記得是那一首, 始終我不屬那個年代
他的演出簡直十萬個悶, 依然像機械人讀歌詞和疆硬地穿插在舞蹈員之間

還有, 我看晚會最大反應的一刻, 竟然是胡總跟劉華握手的一刻,
估不到握了那麼久, 比劉翔和朗朗還久

3. 最後的中國芭蕾舞團的演出令我悶得要看報紙
真的長得要命, 連我這個習舞之人也打呵欠
以黃河作主題, 但我完全不能理解整段舞的意思
之前我的老師還希望我和我的同學在七月一日早上看這舞蹈團的warm up class

除了這個晚會外, 以我所知, 還有兩個晚會在七月一日播放
roadshow 那個晚會在下午播放, 沒有什麼特別,
又一個郡星show, 每人唱幾句經典歌曲而已。

心裡又臭罵英皇糟蹋老前輩的演出, 究竟是誰出這個爛主意呢?

這幾個禮拜, 不斷被十周年回歸新聞特輯轟炸
我明白回顧和前膽是有必要的, 但真的太累了
今集是遊匈牙利的布達佩斯, 看得我心花怒放

七月一日, 與其擠進人頭湧湧的維港兩旁看煙花慶回歸